No better time to go Zero Waste during Quarmageddon and here's WHY


I hope you guys know I'm not usually the person to type out long PSA style posts. But here's another thing that's really been on my mind and want to share with you. 

Right now, with the toilet paper craze happening and everyone freaking out about food chain supply (BTW STOP HOARDING) there is absolutely NO BETTER TIME then trying to apply some ZERO WASTE practices at home!

You won't need to stock up on tissues, toiletpaper, napkins and other throw away trash if you have something that's reusable. I'm not talking about recycling here, I'm talking about replacing every day things that we constantly toss out after one use, with a product you can use over and over and over! And why???

There's really no good reason why we haven’t done this yet. So here's a little list of things you can replace, to not only not have to worry about restocking, but so in the long run you save money, reduce what's going into the landfills, and honestly replacing some piece of mind.

  • Toilet paper ----> BIDET (this is honestly the priceist one on the list. I saw that @hellotushy is having a sale. so jump on it if you can!) 

  • Paper Towels ----> Cotton towels or upcycled old t-shirts you don't wear. Turn then into your cleaning rags or buy some extra towels for spills. 

  • Napkins -----> CLOTH NAPKINS. I know. No one wants more things to fold. But you can give them a quick wash in the sink if you really need them the next day. No need to use up precious paper towels (cause how many of us really use proper napkins at dinner anymore?) 

  • Zip Lock Bags ----> Reusable ones! 

  • Tissues -----> Cloth Hankies. 

  • Tin Foil ----> Silicone Baking Mats

  • Plastic Produce Bags at the store ----> Cotton Produce Bags 

  • Water Bottles ---> reusable water bottles and USE A DANG WATER FILTER. WE'RE FINE. 

  • Feminine Products ---> Menstration cups 

There's honestly so much more than I can list, but I'm mostly thinking about some of our shopping needs that are being directly affected by the panic of the pandemic. Shop smart, don't horde stuff. WASH YOUR DANG HANDS.

We're all going to be ok.❤️