A Little Throwback

I just love it when you go through old sketch books and find little hidden gems you were so proud of years ago, and still are today. I posted the sketch on my Instagram a little while back, but it's taken me a hot minute to find the finished colored illustration. 


It started off as a doodle while I was brain storming an illustration for my grand mother. She got her degree in evolutionary biology, and she to this day is still one of my biggest inspirations for learning and for the arts. When she asked me to do a painting based off her favorite subject, there was no way I could say no (besides the fact that she's my grandma and all and there's nothing I would do if she asked.) Her painting came out much lighter and... friendlier. 

While I was doodling I was thinking about the darker side of evolution. That things had to die to make way for new life as it kept changing and evolving. 

There's still prints and things on my Society 6 shop if you love it. <3 

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