Whimsigoth 4x6 foot Rug

Whimsigoth 4x6 foot Rug

Transform your outdoor space with the Whimsigoth Celestial Rug! This unique 4x6 foot rug is made of soft, durable material and features a whimsigoth and celestial inspired design that's perfect for adding a little magic to your home. Make a statement and evoke the beauty of the night sky with this one-of-a-kind rug! With its vibrant colors and enchanting design, it's sure to become an instant favorite. Get yours now to bring some mystique into your home. Made from polyester chenille fabric— they're very durable, breathable, and dry quickly. .: 100% Polyester Chenille .: Hemmed edges .: Grey underside .: Hemmed edges .: No skid polyester backing .: Thickness: 0.25'' (6mm)
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