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Autumnal Reflection

Hello Autumn.

This post comes a little late in the day (cough pretty late cough). I was going to try and write something super insightful and poetic, but somehow that's not what's going to happen right now. So bear with me.  

I used to be so good at journalling, drawing in my sketchbook every day, somehow getting creative thoughts and juices going constantly. It's been a slow downhill battle since I got out of college.

And then adulting happened.

It's a struggle to keep the magic alive. I know all of us go through this at some point, whether the magic was the good ol' days of college and high school or your highest point of self-expression and creation. Or just when things seemed to be going your way.

And for whatever reason, every autumn I feel that touch of magic again. Colors change, the air starts to get a little colder (which is not saying much since I live in California but gosh dang it at least I can't cook an egg in my car anymore) Halloween festivities and all the family holidays and starting to converge. I want this time to be magical and fun.



to make things special. I want to create. I want to let go of thoughts about work and schedules and planning and just FLOW with whatever my brain and hands want to do.

But you have to adult.

I want bonfires, pumpkin carving, costume making, crunchy leaves under my feet, whiskey and apple cider, all my scarves,  blankets, and hyyge the heck out of my home. (Please show me a raise of hands if I'm not alone)

It's a struggle. At it may sound a little childish, I know. But I can't function unless there's a little something out of the ordinary going on. It's what makes my heart happy.

So let's vow to ourselves to never let that little magic flame to go. Maybe it's


to be able to take the time and do the things that make your heart happy. You know, outside the "light some candles, make some tea and go to bed early" kind of thing.

That excitement is what sets our souls alight. Traditions for the season. That burning for the next music festival, for your next art show, or getting new products into your shop. For that thing that you always wanted to do but never could make the time to go. Or heck, finally meeting up with those friends you promised to meet up with.

Cause we all do that thing where we absolutely mean to, but it just doesn't happen.

Let's promise ourselves we'll do it this season. Whatever it is. We'll take the time to reflect, to keep the magic going, and be true to ourselves.